Tag The Loves helps organisations to create more awareness and visibility around their activities.
Our technology amplifies stories shared on social networks and enables our clients to use the generated traffic to give more insights in their goals and products or services.
Ever since we developed our technology we have been, free of charge, a few social causes.
Every year an important part of the donations for the biggest Dutch fundraising campaign, Serious Request by 3FM, are initiated on the event platform we developed for them.
As our technology platform has become more of the shelve, it also becomes financially easier for us to support great causes.
This week we've launched two new platforms for initiatives we think could really benefit from gaining more visibility. The first one is Favela Painting.
Favela Painting
Since 2005, Haas&Hahn have created several Favela Painting projects in Rio de Janeiro, ranging from a single Mural to a whole street transformed into a river and a giant square turned into a radiant explosion of color.
The Dutch duo employ local youths to elevate community pride by painting their homes and businesses in bright greens, yellows and pinks...
'It struck us that the people we interviewed had a lot of love for the places where they lived,' he said. 'Of course they also spoke of the many problems but generally people were very proud of their communities.'
This foundation is the fundraising vehicle for the Emma Children's Hospital. The very innovative child care wing of the AMC. The money raised is used for innovative procedures for kids, scientific research and improving the psychoanalytical circumstances of the care for both patients and their parents during treatment in the hospital.
Please visit their platform as well and see what great things they do for kids and maybe there is a nice fundraising event coming up in which you would like to participate.
If you are involved in an NGO or good causes organisation, don't hesitate to contact us. We are interested in sponsoring with our technology as much as we can.
Let's create something beautiful
Quickly find out how we can strengthen your online presence and activities.