Tag The Love – regain control of the social media conversation

“Follow us on Twitter!”, “Like us on Facebook!”, “Follow us on Instagram!”

The big silo-ed social networks want you to spend as much time on their platforms as possible. They want you to create great content and use the traffic your content is generating to make revenue via advertising.

Is this the best deal your loved and trusted content can get? Should it not be you who should benefit from your friends’ and followers’ attention to fulfill your own dreams? Don’t you want to use the implicit potential of your direct traffic for your own causes?

TagTheLove will give you back control.
In December we launch the first TagTheLove platform, it is built on top of the distribution platform of Mobypicture and is inspired by the successful MobyNow technology

The platform is owned by the user, shows the social media conversation around the user and helps him to tell the whole story. It allows the user to interact with friends and followers. 

TagTheLove shows the user’s Photo, Video and Audio content, integrates with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, it offers Spotify playlists, it show social aggregated news, the user agenda, it gives the user insights into influence of fans and followers. And it allows the user to communicate the things he finds important and enable him to use the exposure of the created content and conversation for other things he loves. 

Basically it gets the scattered energy of people talking about your topic on their social sites back to one place. Your place. 

We first launch the platform for selected, passionate people, who have stories to tell.  In the coming months the platform will be tweaked and then it will become available for everyone who wants to regain control of the social media conversation. 

For user inquiries or embargoed publication requests, please contact us. 
You can also follow the launch on this blog (leave your email on the right side) or on Twitter. (@mobypicture or @tagthelove)

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