Haha, as if we've asked Southpark to write an episode for the problem Tag The Love is fixing. Stay focused!
your content is yours!
stay focused!
You are all set up. Got your website. Got content. Images, video, audio. Now what? You need an audience. Pageviews. Visitors. Customers. This is where things get a bit harder.
Where to find that scattered audience? How to reach them? How to attract them? Lead them to you? Bring them in? Either you have to meet existing standards and platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Or you have to put a lot of effort and money in marketing your own environment.
This is where Tag The Love enters. Tag The Love delivers. We serve content fragments with one click to all the social places your audience is using. And we bring them back to the framework you've build to provide context to those fragments.
Combined Tag The Love helps you manage your social audiences. With more pageviews, a longer viewing time and a higher interaction rate as a result.
For content creators who are in search of audiences Tag The Love offers instant access to niche audiences with tools that follows users and aggregates them to your content centre.
Unlike current blog- and social platforms Tag The Love delivers the one thing creators are in search of: Audience and not restricted to closed environments.
Let's create something beautiful
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