New features and developments

Innovation update
When you choose Tag The Love as your platform technology provider you jump on board a fast moving train towards tomorrow. You don't get a website which needs te be replaced in a few years time. The website evolves with time.

The technology is getting better every day, because our development team is working on improvements, enhancements and new features full time.

We have stuff on the roadmap for years to come.
That is the consequence when the service you provide = innovation.

In the last months we've added:
  1. Ad management tools;
    You can manage ads on your platforms, per individual page/blogs/categories.
  2. Big size images;
    You can click any image on the platform and see a blown up version,
  3. Integration of polls in blogs;
    Ask your visitors for their opinion. You can even embed content like pictures, videos or songs.
  4. Post content using Whatsapp;
    Post content directly to your platform and all your favorite social sites using Whatsapp!!
  5. Post content to Dropbox;
    Automatically backup your postings to your Dropbox.
  6. Post content to Slack and Instagram
    Post content to a group in Slack and schedule your Instagram posts directly from the Tag The Love backend.
  7. Big Twitter cards
    More engagement on Twitter because of big Twitter cards integration.

Coming up next:
Too much to sum up here, stay tuned and sign up for our newsletter
(Click on the picture to find Mika)
(Add a photo, video or even audio!! to the Whatsapp group with a caption and it is posted to your social accounts. The caption will be the title/tweet/status update.)
(The original size is uploaded to your dropbox.)
(Big previews, thanks to the new Twitter Cards integration.)